Hey Folks!
Seeing a mixed community of people joined together under one cause is something truly special. To those who joined us at the Sip & Swing Fundraiser, sponsors, board members, community leaders, friends and family alike, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Michael and I could not have been more pleased with the turnout. It was hot and humid, even indoors, but you continued to rock with us and be a part of the magic. Watching our team pull this event together was amazing and so worth every ounce of effort given. Seeing old faces, new again, the mixing, the mingling all inspired me, even more, to be a human that creates memorable moments for all those with whom I serve, and this is just the beginning. We got to live vicariously through the beautiful 5-year-old Miss Aubree Cerruti of Sumpter, SC. After only meeting her a couple of days before the event, she showed me what winning looks like, for her, in this cancer space. She is living a full life, uninhibited by her diagnosis and focused on all the things around her because her mind is a little sponge right now. Life is full and exciting! She is bright and wants to be everything to include a rapper! (That tickled me pink!) She even took time to honor her daddy, Rob, mama, Kara, and sister Carmella during the event. She is reminded, in her speech, that her helps comes from them. It was genuine and heartfelt.
And while we could have focused on the hard part of not having Johnathan here, we found an opportunity to hunt the good stuff and showcase what this journey has provided us. We have been able to assist 6 families since our inception, raise $5,000 through this event by the generous support of our sponsors, participants and angel donors, give a $500 gift to the Cerruti Family, honor Cancer Warrior Aubree Cerruti, connect with great humans and so much more.
So, while we prepare for the last two events of the year please save the date for Saturday, September 9, 2023. Our Wreath and Wine Fundraiser is sure to bring merriment this holiday season. With registration comes a wreath making workshop, wine and heavy hors d’oeuvre. Come build a holiday wreath for yourself, a friend, or gift your wreath to a family in the hospital all while resourcing resilient families fighting childhood cancer. There will be door prizes and best wreath contest. No artistic skill required. All materials available on site. Finally, the 2nd Annual Be Johnathan Strong 5K Run/Walk is ready to accept registration! Follow the link HERE to register. Sponsors and food trucks inquires please contact Kathryn Martin via email at Kathryn.b.martin2@gmail.com or Ebonee McCain at eboneemccain18@gmail.com.
Stay safe and healthy. See you all soon…blessings.